Thursday 30 March 2017


Left to the right: Petra, Nungky, Melati, Me, and Bona in Theresiana Pharmacy reunion
Yosar, Me, Anna, Andy at Hutan Pinus Imogiri
Lela, Ardha, Me at Kedai Gula Jawa Semarang
Rischa, Erick, Me at Puncak Sikunir, Dieng, Jateng
Me, Kristin, Anna in the Class K.309 USD
Me and Yosar at Puncak Sikunir, Dieng Jateng

Such a great things guys, to have you in my life. This also my very first gallery in this blog. The picture was captured from January-March 2017. I'll share everything new after this.
Minus Family photo (cry) Wait me back home Mom, Dad!


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